As the road season is coming to an end, the cyclocross season is just starting to wake up.
For Redbros, it’s time to think about the years to come, but to also take stock of what we did both good and bad!
It is also the time when clubs will register their new members. At Redbros our goal is to bring cyclists together and of course the clubs are an integral part of this goal. We are proud to already welcome several custom collections for different clubs.
They all have the same things in common, a project and ideas that we love and feel passionate about! The variety and attention is very much there. Many promote the strength in female cycling, and others also boasting friendship and togetherness. But each time we like to help them at our level, to strengthen their communities through our custom designs.
Our introduction of projectRED offers clubs and clients the freedom to create custom clothing in an environment where the biggest ideas create the best end result. Whether that’s cycling, triathlon or leisure clothing for your club, our 1to1 contact with our designer James will keep that design experience under one pen. Let us take care of the designing and rest will be history.
The more knowledge the better. DO tell us your history about your club. Previous club colours, designs and styles that you like. (Styles that you don’t like too)
Original sponsor logos so that we don’t breach the privacy of the ones who share in your journey.
We also have the ability to combine thousands of different materials. We can go from the most aero time trial suit to the warmest winter jacket. In short, everything is possible and we work every day to propose new products or new materials.
Of course, we test each prototype to make sure that it is what you are looking for 100%.
We also adapt to the type of practice of the clubs, we can accompany elite clubs with the most aeros materials but also gravel clubs with our prototypes of shorts with pockets. We have an almost infinite range of possibilities to meet your needs.
For us, working with clubs and social groups is the most concrete way to get people on the road. We WANT to see as MANY people as possible on a bike. It’s a pleasure to see these custom jerseys on our design table and on the road in the final sprint.
Don’t hesitate to ask us for a quote, we’d love to help bring people together again and again.
projectRED #comingsoon to your clubs wardrobe
Her’s our instagram : https://www.instagram.com/redbros_ltd/
Our shop : https://redbros.net/shop/